1965 born in Bamberg (Germany)
1971-1984 elementary and grammar schools in Bamberg
1984 Bavarian State Scholarship; accepted to Maximilianeum foundation
1984-1985 compulsory military service
1985-1990 physics studies, LMU München
1990-1992 doctoral studies, MPI for Astrophysics, Garching
1992 PhD, LMU München; Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society
1992-1994 post-doc, MPI for Astrophysics, Garching
1994-1995 post-doc, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
1995-2003 senior researcher, MPI for Astrophysics, Garching
1996 Ludwig Biermann Prize of the German Astronomical Society
1998 Habilitation, LMU München
1998 Heisenberg Fellowship of the German Science Foundation
1998-2003 scientific project leader of German participation in Planck satellite project
2000 lecturer (Privatdozent), LMU München
since 2003 full professor of theoretical astrophysics, Heidelberg University
2006-2008 dean, department of physics and astronomy
2008 teaching prize of the department for physics and astronomy
2008-2012 vice-dean, department of physics and astronomy
2010-2019 member, writing team for the applications of Heidelberg University within the German Excellence programme
2012-2016 board member, German Physical Society
2012-2019 Spokesman, Commission for Research and Strategy, Heidelberg University
2016 teaching prize of the department for physics and astronomy
2021- Member of the University Council, Heidelberg University, vice-chair since 2023
2024 teaching prize of the department for physics and astronomy
Verantwortlich: Matthias Bartelmann